Friday, February 17, 2012

Juicing - Day Eight

Here's everything that went into the juice.
Carrots, apples, limes, ginger and one stray kiwi.
Here's what it all looked like ready for the juicer - minus the limes which I squeezed by hand.

Here's some of the "ugly" leftovers.  I have decided that most people don't juice simply because of the mess that it makes.

Juicing is time consuming in that you have to wash your fruits, veggies & do limited prep to them.  There is also quite a bit of waste...especially from the pulp that is spit out of the juicer. I have read that you can reuse the pulp in other recipes, but haven't tried any of that for myself.  All of our leftovers go straight to the chickens and pigs.  They LOVE it that we are juicing!!

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