Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Strategy change up(Meals 28-32)

I've decided to change my strategy....from here on out, I'm not just going to blog the meals I prepare, but I'm also going to record what we eat in general...whether it was fast food, a meal prepared by someone else, etc.  I've decided that this will help me to see what it is that we really do??  I don't know if you're like me, but some weeks I struggle to remember exactly what we did for all our meals.  I certainly don't give it enough thought.  I think seeing it will help me to analyze where improvements need to be made.

A week ago, my husband had an accident & we actually had a couple of meals brought to us.  One night his sister made potato soup for us.  Another night a neighbor brought us meatloaf & vegetables.  Those were both wonderful!! And, they were meal 28 & 29.

Meals 30- was made over the weekend - it was chicken spaghetti (again!)
Meal 31 - was taquitos & mexican rice - it was wonderful!!
Meal 32 - was tonight's meal of ground beef patties, garlic bread & smashed potatos.

268 meals to go!!

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