Monday, June 28, 2010

Major Catch Up!!

It has been so long since I've blogged!
And I don't have time right this minute to do a great detailed job of catching up.
So, here's a quick run down of the last five meals I've prepared at home.
I prepared a huge meal for a bunch of teenagers one night with a SUPER SIZED meatloaf...left-over zucchini casserole from the last meal I had blogged, potato salad (made with a dry ranch dressing mix), baked cabbage and another cucumber salad. That was meal 91.

Another meal was some grilled deer tenderloin with grilled cabbage & potatoes.  It was okay...we are not excellent grillers - so this is an area that we need major improvement in!  Grilled Meal 92.

I baked home-made croutons one afternoon for one of our farmer's market customers & us to keep at home too.  Those croutons were part of awesome lunchtime salads that I'm definately counting as one meal....fresh spinach, boiled eggs & awesome croutons....Meal 93.

Meal 94 was bruschetta & cherry salad.  I'm pretty sure I've shared both recipes before.  They are both quick & easy.

There may have been more that I've forgotten, but that's all the time I have right now to think.

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